I must be the world's worst 'blog award passer onner' (I'm sure there is a word like that?) I just never seem to be able to sit down, think about it and then actually blog it. I've got a layout to share but its overcast here in Perth, so I can't photograph it yet. So, I've decided NOW, I have to do it NOW! So wish me luck, before I find something else that I need to do instead... Oh, I'm hopeless!!
First up:
A Cherry On Top Blog Award

I've received this one from 3 (yes you've heard right, 3) gorgeous ladies over the last 2 and a half months. Okay, 2 of them were in the last 2 weeks. Thank you to
Chloe, Trudi and
Nadia. You are all wonderful and I'm very flattered that you have thought of me when passing on this lovely award. You guys are the best!
So, the rules for this award are:
1. Thank the person (in my case persons) that passed it to you. Thank you Chloe, Trudi and Nadia! You guys rock!
2. Copy the award to your blog.
3. Share three things about youself that you enjoy doing.
4. Pass the award to 5 others.
Now for 3 things about me that I enjoy doing.
I think the first thing will have to be 'sleeping in'. I'm a bit of night owl and have no problem to stay awake until all hours of the morning but boy, do I struggle to get up in the mornings!
I love being a mom and I will honestly be lost without my kids when they move out of home one day. That day is coming closer as DS is 17 and DD 15. It feels like just the other day they were only babies.
I love spending time with my friends. We are a close group of friends who regulary get together for morning tea, lunch or weekend barbeques. I also love the occasional restaurant meal when its only DH and me.
I want to pass this award on to the following gorgeous ladies who always inspire me to do better with their continues lovely comments on my blog.
The Bonny Blog Award:

This blog award was passed on to me by the very talented and inspirational
Kathie Link, way back in June (told you I was bad!). Thank you Kathie!
The rules for this award are:
1. Put the Swap Sisters Bonny Blog Award on my blog.
2. Share 5 things about myself.
3. Pass the award onto 5 other Bonny Blogs.
4. Add links to my 5 chosen Bonny Blog Winners.
5. Let them know they have been chosen to win the Swap Sisters Bonny Blog Award by leaving a comment on their blog.
Ok, so 5 things about me. Something you don't already know....
1. I am very tall (1.8 m to be exact), but I'm only the 3rd tallest in our family of 4 as DS was very proud to outgrow me about a year and a half ago. He now is the tallest, followed by DH, myself and then DD who is only about 5 cm shorter than me.
2. I studied fashion design and designed wedding gowns, etc for many years until my responsibilities as a mother became more important than having a satisfied client.
3. I recently got my first pair of reading glasses (as old age caught up with me).
4. I started playing netball again last year after about 20 years of not playing at all. My team consist mainly out of uni students. Lol! They keep me fit and young.
5. I've been married for 20 years and can't imagine life without my DH. He is my best friend and we have dreams of travelling the world together. Lol! We also have dreams of winning the Lotto! :)
I would like to pass this award on to 5 beautiful ladies who are always leaving lovely comments on my blog. Thank you girls. You are awesome.
Now, there are more than just these few girls that visit my blog and leave comments. :) I wish I could pass this on to all of you. I hope I haven't offended anyone...
Wish you all an awesome day!!
M xox